Hey Siri, get me a human!

The most beneficial thing that helped my business go from 8-10k months to 13-18k months, yes you read that right, was having a human I could talk to. Someone to help me navigate difficult client situations, help me make attractive packages AND help me set realistic boundaries and expectations for myself that allowed me to make THAT kind of money AND still have my time freedom, be able to travel the world and NOT be tied to my desk (or my phone).

And that is why I have decided to open a BRAND new mentorship for service providers. One that included a personal touch no matter what level you were at, because that personal touch is what is going to massively drive the needle forward, not taking another course, not asking another service provider who’s at the same level as you and not figuring it out on your own and taking 3 times as long.

Yes, I want to be mentored by Nisha!

 Hi, I'm Nisha!

Mentor to Online Service Providers and Creator of The Aligned Pretzel Inc, a six figure Done-For-You Service Based Business that is rooted in abundance and time freedom.

Other beautiful humans I have mentored have gone from:

  • absolutely no business to making more money than they ever have, now scaling AND turning unaligned clients away. All while paying for a lifestyle they didn’t think was attainable to them.
  • Surpass her husband’s breadwinner income while being a “stay at home mom” to 2 under 4 (one being a newborn)
  • Concept to creating a 6 figure business and quitting her 9-5
  • and so much more!

I have been mentoring Online Service Providers since 2018. I started with a Virtual Assistant course (which over 100 people have enrolled) and moved into solely 1:1 mentorship once I saw that every business is unique and need tailored solutions from a human, not just a course. (Although you do get access to the course when you sign up!)

I have a unique gift for seeing the holes and making the puzzle pieces fit.

If you want to make a lot more money, but still want to have a life, a family, not work 12-16 hour days and not be a slave to your business, but instead let it support your desired lifestyle, you’re in the right place.

Yes, I want a six figure business!


Because I know the personal, human touch is important, each level has personal access to me no matter your budget. 

Voxer is a free walkie-talkie app and on each tier I will be checking it several times a week, and answering all of your inquiries as well as giving ideas, downloads, epiphanies, changes I am making in my business, trends in the industry etc. Basically tailored, custom solutions AND a pulse on what is happening from one the high paying experts in the field. Besides this, there is a group call once a month to get personal face-to-face coaching, and yes replays are available for group calls.

There are no replays for 1:1 calls. You also get instant access to my Virtual Assistant course, complete with my Human Design Modules on Marketing for Your Type, which is what made me attract high-caliber clients early on.

Packages require a minimum 3 month commitment, can cancel anytime with 30 days written notice after the three month period. 

Silver and Gold Tier Voxer Chats are checked 3-4 times per week, Platinum Tier is checked 5 days a week. 

This is for you if you have an existing service provider business and want to take it to new heights and are ready to take it seriously, whether you have been in the industry 6 weeks or 6 years.

Silver Tier: Voxer Group Chat + One Group Call Per month

 A Voxer group chat where I come in 3-4 times per week and answer questions, bring intuitive nudges, epiphanies, expert advice, call you into a higher version of yourself etc. 

Also includes one group call per month which is recorded. You have access for as long as you are enrolled in Mentorship.

Investment: $355/month

Yes, I'm ready!

Gold Tier: Voxer Group Chat + 1 1:1 Call Per month

You get the Voxer group chat as mentioned above, plus 1 60 minute 1:1 call with me per month. You are also welcome to attend the group calls from Silver Tier. Replays available for group calls as long as you are enrolled in mentorship, 1:1 calls do not include replays.

Investment: $555/month

Yes, I'm ready!

Platinum Tier: 1:1 Mentorship - 1:1 Calls and Private Voxer Chat

This is my favourite offer because it is the most personalized and potent. We have a private Voxer chat which I am in with you 5 days a week, and we also have one 60 minute private 1:1 call per month. This is for the person who wants a lot of support, quick answers and to grow BIG and fast. 

You also get access to any courses that I have that I find are relevant to your journey above and beyond the Virtual Assistant Course

Spots to these are obviously very limited as it is where you get the most of my attention and guidance so don't delay if you feel the pull.

Investment: $1333/month

Yes, I am ready!!





Voxer group chat + one group call a month




Voxer group chat +
1 1:1 call a month




1:1 coaching - private Voxer Chat and 1 1:1 call a month