How I Manifested my Dream Life and Location

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2018

How I manifested my life and house as a beach bum

Hello gorgeous soul, thank you for being here. 

Currently I am sitting in the sand looking out into the vast Atlantic Ocean, watching the waves roll in and out like the feminine goddess she is. 

And I want you to know, your goals are a sure thing, just as the waves roll in and out. 

But that isn't why we're here. 

We are here to talk about manifesting dream homes and locations. 

Cause there are PLENTY of millionaries out there, telling you how they manifested their dream condos on the beach, but I thought a refreshing view would be from someone not so far removed, I mean I have only been in Business for a YEAR. 

So, let's break this down with some background info, shall we?

I always knew where my heart belonged, in this beautiful island in the sea. Instead of calling it "somewhere I wanted to live one day" I called it home.

I bought property here many years ago, and it sat empty. Now, this isn't always something I would tell you to do, but when the price was in five figures and the perfect location, I didn't want to say no. 

I was living a very nomadic life so every time I got something sentimental to me that I did not want to get broken, like a picture of my grandma when I attended her funeral, I sent it to my family to put into this house for safe keeping for me. It showed the universe it was my treasure. 

Now some of you may wonder why I didn't move into the house when I bought it and there are lots of reasons - but it all boils down to the timing wasn't right. 

If you have a location in mind, look at pictures of it often, imagine yourself there. If you can, take a viewing of the property. If it's local, take the long way around and soak up the vibes of it everyday. 

And in time, the universe will present all these opportunities for you to seize and finally land you in your dream location. 



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