Calling in a soul SISTERHOOD, re-finding and deepening your intuition and learning to listen to that SOLELY, quieting the ego. Letting go of resistance to all things and manifesting a life that is just too fucking good to be true.

If this vibrated deeply within you, you are in the right place. 

You know you NEED connection with yourself to truly access your gifts and your soul path. You also know you NEED the action orientated, strategy, execution and accountability. 

Sister, your dreams just came through. Welcome to FLO. 

This EPIC group is unlike anything EVER created. 

My promise to you.... it will fucking change your life. 

But seriously.. AT LEAST once a week I promise to come in with a LIFE ALTERING training that is tailored to the group and it's needs. (It is always way more then once a week but this is my bare minimum promise to you.) 

What is in this group is not available anywhere else LIKE THIS. Here's the short list:


 Womb and Breast Healing

 Abundance Trainings and Activations 

 Mindset Trainings 

 Spiritual Guidance and Mentorship

 Business Strategy 

 Orgasmic Manifestation

 Podcast Recommendations 


 Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy

 Lifestyle Coaching 

 Yoga Videos

 Moon Rituals 

 and a SOUL sisterhood. 

To top it all off we have a group chat with a direct line to me that I check in again, AT LEAST weekly. 

You also get special pricing on anything I offer!

As I mentioned, the trainings are always tailored to the group and collective consciousness, so the more you engage in the content and group chats, the more I can guide you and mentor you. But you can expect trainings to cover any of these areas:

  • Creating Aligned Offers
  • Womb Healing
  • Divine Feminine embodiment and Empowerment
  • Sensual Health
  • Staying in Alignment
  • Content that has them saying 'Shes killin it"
  • Launching
  • Sales 
  • Visibility 
  • Creating passive income aka get paid in your sleep
  • and whatever creative thing my psychic brain feels like you need ( sometimes I give readings too) yoga, energy healing, pranayama
 Knows she was made for more, but it just seems out of reach.

 Has contemplated giving up, but has this drive in her that keeps reigniting the dream and the faith.

 Is ready to elevate and levitate into her next level.

 Longs for absolute certainty that she is on her soul path.

 Desires the income, impact, intimacy she has in her dreams. 

 Is ready to commit to being the highest version of herself.

 Refuses to hold back, shrink down, or play small any longer.
Are you ready to manifest a life that is "too good to be true", solidify your intuition and call in your SOUL sister support system? 
Sign up before Dec 15 and receive a FREE 1:1 Womb Healing Session with Nisha ($111 value)
* 3 Month Commitment required. Cancel anytime thereafter. We ask to please give 14 days notice prior to cancellation. 



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Then pretzel Podcasts 101 is the Masterclass for you, sister!