
Time is a Lie

success Nov 17, 2019

Ladies, time is a lie!! 

I always thought it would take me months to hit my goals. I was so focused on 6k this one month, SO FOCUSED. And it just was not happening. 

My partner was like 10K and I was like nah, that can't happen as a Virtual Assistant. 

I dropped my expectations of income goals and just committed to self mastery 

"let's just be better than last month" and do you know what happened?





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Success is a Trip

success Nov 16, 2019

Ladies, Success is a real trip! 

October was my highest month ever as a Virtual Assistant! And while I had so many highs, I also had so many lows dealing with my sick grandfather who actually passed away a few days after I recorded this video! 

My key takeway: there is always something to look at! The grass isn't always greener, and it doesn't get easier when you hit your income goals and beyond. 

For more info on my VA services or to go through my VA Training program, visit www.thealignedpretzel.co

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