
Wealth is a vibe you choose to tap into, or don't.

money vibes wealth Dec 02, 2019

Hi my loves! 

Nisha here, The Aligned Pretzel, and today I am going to ruffle some feathers on what I know to be true about wealth and money, and I am scared shitless writing this about how I am going to be judged. 

So, here we go. 

What I know to be true is that wealth is a vibe. It's everywhere. 
It's a choice to believe in it, to tap into it, and allow it to find you. 

How did I learn that this was "what I know to be true?"

A few months ago, I stopped 'trying' to be wealthy and adopt a millionaire mindset blah blah blah..

and just committed to doing more than I did last month. To be better. Self mastery and shit. 

When it seemed like we wouldn't even break 3K one month and I was DYING to get over that 3K barrier for almost a year.. (I had flirted with 5K months but we hadn't gone exclusive yet)..

I said fuck it to our hard goal of 6K. 

It didn't feel good, I felt like I was clenching. I was in the bath, staring at my feet and that's when I had the...

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