
Woo Shame is Real...But...

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2020

Have you experienced woo shame before? Where you're too afraid to admit to your witchiness, to your spirituality, to your divine inner being, etc? Because that one girl from high school might see, or a certain friend might see, or your mom might see. So let's discuss what happens in your business when you do finally admit your truth! 

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This Common Business Problem can be Remedied by Operations Management

content operations Apr 21, 2020

As the owner of a growing online business, it's easy to develop the typical problem of not having enough time to post your own content, because you're too busy helping your clients, focusing on your personal growth, too busy with life, etc. This video explains how you can easily remedy this problem! 

Check out our services for Operations: www.thealignedpretzel.co/services

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Wealth is a vibe you choose to tap into, or don't.

money vibes wealth Dec 02, 2019

Hi my loves! 

Nisha here, The Aligned Pretzel, and today I am going to ruffle some feathers on what I know to be true about wealth and money, and I am scared shitless writing this about how I am going to be judged. 

So, here we go. 

What I know to be true is that wealth is a vibe. It's everywhere. 
It's a choice to believe in it, to tap into it, and allow it to find you. 

How did I learn that this was "what I know to be true?"

A few months ago, I stopped 'trying' to be wealthy and adopt a millionaire mindset blah blah blah..

and just committed to doing more than I did last month. To be better. Self mastery and shit. 

When it seemed like we wouldn't even break 3K one month and I was DYING to get over that 3K barrier for almost a year.. (I had flirted with 5K months but we hadn't gone exclusive yet)..

I said fuck it to our hard goal of 6K. 

It didn't feel good, I felt like I was clenching. I was in the bath, staring at my feet and that's when I had the...

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The big kahuna of Virtual Assisting.. What is it?

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2019
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Time is a Lie

success Nov 17, 2019

Ladies, time is a lie!! 

I always thought it would take me months to hit my goals. I was so focused on 6k this one month, SO FOCUSED. And it just was not happening. 

My partner was like 10K and I was like nah, that can't happen as a Virtual Assistant. 

I dropped my expectations of income goals and just committed to self mastery 

"let's just be better than last month" and do you know what happened?





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Success is a Trip

success Nov 16, 2019

Ladies, Success is a real trip! 

October was my highest month ever as a Virtual Assistant! And while I had so many highs, I also had so many lows dealing with my sick grandfather who actually passed away a few days after I recorded this video! 

My key takeway: there is always something to look at! The grass isn't always greener, and it doesn't get easier when you hit your income goals and beyond. 

For more info on my VA services or to go through my VA Training program, visit www.thealignedpretzel.co

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Every Yogi's Worst Nightmare..

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2019

For a Yogi, the most blissful and exciting time in your life is going to Teacher Training.

But that isn’t how it was for me.

I have never told this story, not like this.

I was feeling so incredibly misaligned in my health care job that is started to affect my cognitive function and my vision.

I knew I had to finally actualize my dreams. ( I was too scared that I was too fat to be a yoga teacher – truth)

When I made this leap and finally started, I was so full of hope, promise and living a magically aligned life.

That didn’t happen.

I was rear ended in my car three weeks before training started.

After consulting the lead teacher I decided to go ahead and do it anyway, she pressed that this wasn’t about skill. It was about teaching others with your words. And that this was the perfect opportunity to use this as rehab.

My employer at the time took great issue with this.

So while I was healing, doing physio and rehab, I was also fighting for my life, having...

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Does your Biz turn you on?

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2018

Does your biz turn you the fuck on?


Then you are doing it wrong.

When you are deep into that creative mode..

Where you can't stop because it's SO JUICY..

You will literally be TURNED ON BY YOUR WORK.

The act of doing it, whether it's creation of a program or delivery of content, if you are in that deep, purposeful molten chocolate lava part of your soul..

It will make you wet.

It will make you drool.

It will excite you, emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually.

*my nipples are hard just writing this! Okay, TMI, sorry.

So, how do we get there?

Fall in love with the process, not the destination. 
Fuck all the rules, take what you like and throw the rest in the garbage.
Have an alignment practice that makes you DIE to touch your body - it's that good.
Find pleasure, in everything, all day everyday. 
Does it bring you pleasure? Does it support your freedom lifestyle? No? Then fuck it.

Phew. that felt good. Now you know how much of a sex goddess I really am. 


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Are you #oneofus ?

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2018


ARE YOU #oneofus ?

All the swift action, I take it because the thing that I take action on is a drain on my soul -

My 9-5 job
My living situation
My ex-partner

THAT's what makes me ACT in massive AF ways that have people going: you're so crazy, you're so impulsive, can't you settle down blah blah blah.

Those phrases are like nails on the chalk board.


Are the women who can't stay in situations that is sandpaper on our soul

We're here and we are unapoogetic about what we want, and we get it every damn.time.

We're low grade coffee addicts/snobs.. I mean if it isn't craft don't talk to me..

We're FEARLESS - we feel the fear and do it ANYWAY.

We are RELENTLESS in pursuit of our dreams and desires, no matter what it takes, we DO IT AND DAMMIT WE GET WHAT WE SET OUR MIND TO. ALWAYS.

But fuck with our alignment or our soul? We'll cut you so fast.

We make rapid decisions to the outside world (even reckless) but to us it feels like a million years, (actual time 2.5...

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Why I really help women create a dream lifestyle

Uncategorized Sep 10, 2018


As I am writing this I am holding back tears.

I knew I had to stop constantly launching not only because of burnout but also because I knew I needed to be available for my family at the drop of a hat.

You see there is a pattern in my family of people dropping dead or suddenly falling ill and my job as a nurse had held me from leaving, kinda ironic isn’t it?

Anyway, in July I knew I had a huge pull to move back to the island for a reason.

All of the sudden the push was unbearable to ignore?
You know that feeling? So polarizing like when two magnets some together and you can’t stop it, your free will IS GONE.

It made no sense, but all the sense at the same time. 
For those of you who don’t know, my pop, my grandpa was diagnosed with bone cancer this past spring.

His third cancer. He’s 79.
In my heart and soul I knew.. this.was.it.

My partner at the time and I had agreed to go to the Island for the...

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